Winner’s Curse: Park Theatre, London (Feb-Mar 23)
3.5m dia. Revolving Stage and Surround Stage

Winner’s Curse: Park Theatre, London (Feb-Mar 23)
3.5m dia. Revolving Stage and Surround Stage

3.5m dia. revolving stage with surround stage - Winner's Curse, Park Theatre, London 0223
3.5m dia. revolving stage with surround stage - Winner's Curse, Park Theatre, London 0223

Directed by Jez BondWinner’s Curse sees two countries locked in battle over a strip of land, when a fragile ceasefire provides a chance for peace. Over the negotiating table, cynical diplomats, idealistic peacemakers and meddling mediators try to navigate a perilous path to agreement as the threat of continued conflict looms ever larger.

Billed as a humorous but high stakes interactive play about international peace negotiations, the show is written by former ambassador and Middle East peace negotiator Daniel Taub.