Hang: Tower Theatre, Stoke Newington (Mar 23)
3.3m dia. Revolving Stage

Hang: Tower Theatre, Stoke Newington (Mar 23)
3.3m dia. Revolving Stage

3.3m dia. revolving stage - Hang - Tower Theatre Stoke Newington 0324
3.3m dia. revolving stage - Hang - Tower Theatre Stoke Newington 0324

Debbie Tucker Green’s 2015 play called simply hang. 

It’s a sharply written and in this production a sharply played piece about a whole range of subjects but which principally examines the outsourcing of a key part of the criminal justice system to corporately trained almost robotised tick list employees who lack true empathy or a genuine understanding of the life changing processes they are managing.

The cast of three brings a very hard hitting and thought-provoking subject to stage. With the centre circular staging revolving throughout the discussions, you can watch all three characters’ reactions and feel part of the decision.